China Enterprises Limited - Financial Highlights
Consolidated Statements of Operations :
For the half year ended June 30,
2001 �@ 2002 �@
Notes Rmb'000 Rmb'000 US$'000   (2)
(unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited)
(As restated,
See Note 1)
Revenues          1,363,116          1,460,804             176,426
Cost of revenues        (1,186,354)        (1,263,712)           (152,622)
Gross Profit             176,762             197,092               23,804
Selling, general and administrative expenses           (158,645)           (114,881)             (13,875)
Impairment loss on long-lived assets                        -           (174,384)             (21,061)
Operating income (loss) (4)               18,117             (92,173)             (11,132)
Interest expenses, net             (20,771)             (16,925)               (2,044)
Other income                 3,060                    183                      22
Change in derivative fair value                        -               37,125                 4,484
Equity in earnings (losses) of affiliates                 2,517               (2,396)                  (290)
Income (Loss) from continuing operations before
  income taxes and minority interests                 2,923             (74,186)               (8,960)
Provision for income taxes               (7,125)             (10,120)               (1,222)
Minority interests                  2,743               57,319                 6,923
Loss from continuing operations               (1,459)             (26,987)               (3,259)
(Loss) Income from discontinued operations (1)             (16,566)                 3,929                    475
Net loss and total comprehensive loss             (18,025)             (23,058)               (2,784)
Basic and diluted net (loss) income per share (in Rmb/US$) (3)
 - Continuing operations                 (0.16)                 (2.99)                 (0.36)
 - Discontinued operations                 (1.84)                   0.44                   0.05
Net loss                 (2.00)                 (2.55)                 (0.31)
Consolidated Balance Sheets Data :
As at December 31, As at June 30,
2001 �@ 2002 �@
Rmb'000 Rmb'000 US$'000   (2)
(audited) (unaudited) (unaudited)
Working Capital             346,678             101,407               12,248
Property, plant and equipment, net              924,678             728,238               87,951
Total assets          2,978,965          3,208,191             387,463
Current liabilities          1,558,660          1,891,368             228,426
Non-current portion of long-term loans               37,979               58,819                 7,104
Due to Chinese joint venture partners               30,807               34,278                 4,140
Loan from related companies               24,498                 9,307                 1,124
Minority interests             522,824             445,614               53,818
Shareholders' equity             804,197             768,805               92,851